Well, today was an interesting day. Woke up to a phone call from the boss. Apparently the cruise ships don't like stopping in Ketchikan when the wind is blowing kinda hard. It was only like 65 mph at the most. Not even bad. But with the day off I was able to go for a very nice walk. Rain gear on and head bent to the winds I trudged around for an hour or two just enjoying the feel of nature tugging at my coat and raindrops pelting my entire person. I need more of this. More times where I feel connected to the real world. But it's human nature to take these things for granted. To feel the rays of the sun but not to stop and enjoy them. To witness the moon beaming down on a cloudless night. To really feel the wind with open arms. Taste a raindrop. Breathe in the air. I've got to get back to what is real. Back to enjoying the simplest of things. The bare bones of human experience. I have made my life too complicated as of late thinking about all sorts of things, work, the future, money, what I look like. All the while there is this big beautiful world full of experiences waiting for me. It only took gale force winds for me to remember it. Today was a good day.
After reading what I just wrote I dare say I had a Pocahontas moment today.
A Pocahontas moment? Nice. Not a Captain John Smith moment.