Monday, December 11, 2017

Bullfrog Bonanza!

Tucked away on the northeastern arm of Lake Powell there is a small marina by the name of Bullfrog. Not much lies between the dam city of Page and Bullfrog Marina, but getting there can be difficult, whether its the 51 miles by air, 244 miles by car (which includes a ferry ride) or a multiple hour boat ride, it is well worth the trip. The marina is surrounded by sandstone and slickrock, but the best part about the flight over there is the landscape. Lake Powell is fed by four rivers, the Colorado, the Dirty Devil, the San Juan and the Escalante. The Escalante river flows through some of the most intricate and twisted canyons, creating a fantastic scene from the air. I was fortunate enough to get some insider knowledge on where to find a spectacular arch that few people get to see because it is so far upriver! So without further ado, pictures of my trip to Bullfrog Marina!

Runway 1 at Bullfrog

Not much to look at

Some cliffs near Bullfrog, apparently these turn in to Capital Reef further north

Some of the twists and turns of the canyons, can you find the arch?

Can you find the arch now?

Steven's Arch!

All in all, we had a pretty good time.