Isn't it strange how we get nervous when the police are around, like somehow they are the bad guys who are going to get us? That happened to me today. There I was, driving my bus when I noticed an unmarked police car on the side of the road. I figured it was just a speed trap, waiting for the next unfortunate speeder to pass in front of a poised radar gun. I thought this until I watched the unmarked car pull out and start to follow me. Then continue to follow me. FOR TWELVE MILES! I am doing my best to drive perfectly, the best driving I have ever done. Do the exact speed limit. Stay between the lines (harder to do in a bus.) Signal early. I think this can't go on much longer. We are almost to the end of the island for the love of Pete. I turn. He turns. I turn again. He follows. Uh oh... I park my bus to wait for my passengers to board, but I've still got about a fifteen minute wait. He gets out of his car.
Me: How can I help you officer?
Officer: Well, I'm new to the Island here and I was wondering where you guys park your buses?
Me: Well we have a shop at (address)
Officer: Oh, well I'm not really sure where that is.
Me: Is there some kind of problem that I can help you with?
Officer: No no. I'm just doing routine commercial motor vehicle inspections.
Me: Oh, ok. Well do you know where (gas station) is? It's across from that, kinda hidden in the trees.
Officer: Alright, I know that place. Well while we are here do you mind if I do an inspection?
Me: *Shifty eyes* Go right ahead.
Officer: License, med card and registration please.
So I hand him all the paperwork, we get to talking and it turns out Officer Brooks is a pretty rad dude. He's only up here for a little while so he is trying to inspect as many commercial vehicles as he can. After I pass inspection he asks if he can follow me all the way back to the bus yard to check some of the other buses. I say sure and once we depart he follows me all the way back to town and then to the yard. About 18 miles in all. On the way back I radio ahead to my boss that he is coming in and when I get in they are all standing out front as if I've brought home a special lady for dinner. They are all smiles and handshakes and "yes sir, no sir" and being polite. The entire thing is a little surreal.
It is just funny that a normal guy like Steve Brooks gets treated differently because of what car he drives and because he has the "officer" title in front of his name. His job is to make sure that the vehicles we drive are safe but we still react to him as if he is the bad guy. Just an interesting thing to think about. But I guess not that interesting, he's just another guy doing his job and every job comes with stereotypes.