Saturday, September 22, 2012

Strange Thoughts and Unusual Accomplishments

Today was kind of a weird day all around. I got to sleep in until seven, but I had to work until ten at night with some gaps in between. But most of all I had a large amount of alone time today to think about my life this summer. Some of the things I thought about.

Strange thoughts...
1. I have driven almost 3,000 miles on an island that only has 36 miles of road.
2. I haven't ridden in a vehicle that I wasn't driving in over 6 months and those vehicles include: my truck (Darla), various buses, vans, trolleys, forklifts, and fuel trucks.
3. I can't remember the last time I cut my toenails, but somehow they look trimmed.
4. Why do I talk to myself in buses but not in my truck?
5. How did I get here? (I have this thought many times in a day of bus driving.)
6. I wonder what those people thought of me.
7. Do the people stare at the back of my head when I talk?
8. What does the back of my head look like?
9. Will my friends think I look different when I get back?

I had all of those thoughts and more today but I also had some unusual accomplishments today as well.

Unusual accomplishments... (with accompanying stories.)
1. I got to use the term "clam bake" in reference to a large group of lesbian women. (Today we had a lesbian cruise, 2,000 lesbian women all on the same cruise ship and I got to drive a group of them.)
2. I got to drive a bus on a boat. (We had three new buses come in on the ferry at eight o'clock at night and I was selected to go down and drive one of them back to our bus barn. So I got to drive the bus off of the boat and back onto the land.)
3. I got to drive a bus in shorts. (Same story as above, since I didn't have any passengers I could wear whatever I wanted and I wanted to wear shorts!)
4. I had someone understand my "Kobayashi Shake" joke. (After picking up a group of people who just got done visiting an all-you-can-eat crab feed I always joke about aiming for the potholes to simulate the "Kobayashi Shake." Today was the first day that I had someone really laugh at it and say they knew what that was.)
5. I sat on a couch and just relaxed. (Something that I haven't done in a while and I miss.)

So there you have it. A glimpse into a day in the life of me.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Can you add on a question for one of those driving days? Similar to number 5.... "What is my why"
